
Lake Farm Park!

Every winter in Cleveland, it seems like there's a random beautiful day. I have folders going back five years on my computer that say "Nice Day in _______" (fill in the month) full of pictures outside, taking advantage of the good weather. This past Sunday was no exception, as we went to Lake Farm Park (highly recommend getting a membership there, totally worth it), and took some great pics of the family. 

A place like this can be an awesome option if you ever want to do a location shoot with your loved ones. Ours went pretty well.  :-) Feel free to contact me if you want to discuss one for your family! 

Canadian Butterflies and an Android App

So we took the kids to the butterfly conservatory in Niagara Falls, ON. They lasted for maybe 10 minutes, but I was able to get some great shots. 

The thing about all the shots you see below is that I downloaded them straight from my camera using my EOS Connect app and then uploaded them here - nothing you see has been altered in any way, or even cropped. Pretty cool stuff to be able to access your pics on the go by making your camera into what is essentially a Wireless Access Point. I also took the selfie with my wife using the remote live viewing function. It's not perfect, but when you're out and about and your oldest child is 5, this is the best we can do. :-)

Also, my favorites here are the four shot sequence where you see Reia go from delighted to terrified that there is a butterfly on her hand.

Kids in School

I love the end of the day when either I pick up the kids or my wife brings them up to visit me after she picks them up. Just a few shots from hanging around school.